No one can say with certainty that the situation is about to change. Obviously, in the Qur'an, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself said, “O people, what I am being told is near or far, and I am not. He knows when the Hour will come. May Allah grant you more respite and put you to the test, but worship Allah at all times and prepare for the Day of Resurrection day by day so that you may be successful in this world and in the Hereafter.

 Now there was a block of Muslims which is disappearing in the eyes of the Jews and it is the job of the Jews to take revenge on the Muslims one by one by dividing them and then gathering their government over it. He is the enemy of Allah Almighty. And Allah Almighty is the enemy of Abu who loves Allah Almighty the Jews become his enemies and the first name in the Muslim bloc is not Iran is Afghanistan is now Pakistan and Turkistan is this is it is it There will be a side block and then there will be a folder lock but it will stand against the Jews and the name and symbol of the Jews will disappear from the world. The name of Allah Almighty will be spoken in this whole universe. Whether he is a Muslim or a rabbi or a rabbi or a rabbi or he is of no use, such parties drowned his fleet. That is why Allah Almighty gave a great gift to the Arabs. Among the wives of the honorable Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) but Allah in the Quran Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And We have given you an idea of ​​why you would show it to him. And they will enslave the Jews. You see today that this is not how they recognized Israel and it is the turn of Saudi Arabia to take them. They will enslave them. One day they will stretch out their hands in front of us and say, Let the people be free

  Now there is going to be a third battle. The Qur'an also mentions: Allah will bring back His beloved Prophet Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who was taken up to the heavens by Allah. Israel will become a great graveyard and when Pakistan is built, Pakistan will be built on the greatness of Allah Almighty which is La ilaHa ilala Allah and from here a great war will start. Those who say that Akbar takes the name of God and there will be a third war And starting with this, Insha'Allah, there will be victory for the Muslims and an end for the Jews 

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